The Accelerator is a chip-like device used by the Impactors to amplify their powers. It has the power to grow its user giant and multiply their power by three, at the cost of eventually killing them with the strain.
The Accelerator was brought to Earth by Logia when he and the rest of the three-person Impactor team were sent there to carry out the Guntras Human Elimination Plan and wipe out the human race. Logia had intended it to be a last resort for him to use if he was unable to defeat the Gransazers and kept it inside a special box.
However, after Lucia's capture by the Gransazers led to Logia having to forfeit the Guntroller in the process of rescuing her, foiling the entire Elimination Plan, Lucia sought to redeem herself even at the cost of death. She took out the Accelerator and used it on herself, growing her giant and amplifying her power at the cost of slowly destroying her mind.
The enlarged Lucia then fought the Gransazers in DaiSazer, who were able to defeat her by striking her with a non-fatal blow in the hopes she had survive. However, the Accelerator's strain was too much for Lucia's body and she passed away right after.