The Evil Wiki

The Arcanum is an ancient book written in the 15th century by the astrologer Basileus while he was under demonic possession and it is an item featured in the 2001 supernatural horror film Thirteen Ghosts (also known as Thir13en Ghosts). It contains spells, profiles on the 13 ghosts of the Black Zodiac, and blueprints for creating a mansion-like machine with which to open and gain control over the Ocularis Infernum (in Latin: "Eye of Hell").

Over the centuries, many people died trying to obtain the Arcanum, before it eventually fell into the hands of Kalina Oretzia. She and Cyrus Kriticos used the blueprints in the Arcanum to perfectly reconstruct Basileus's Machine, and to gather twelve of the thirteen spirits needed to power and activate the machine.

The Arcanum was most likely destroyed, either when it and Kalina were trapped between 2 closing glass walls in the machine, or otherwise, when the machine exploded.

Black Zodiac

The Black Zodiac' is a fictional constellation in Thirteen Ghosts.



Black Zodiac

13 Ghosts

Concept Art


  • The book's name "Arcanum" is Latin for "arcane".