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The Berserker Brew

The Berserker Brew

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Berserker Brew is a semi-legendary substance that was believed to have been used by ancient Norse warriors known as "Berserkers", the drugs would cause them to enter a state of temporary madness and greatly enhanced their reputation on the battle-field, often they would dress in the furs of wild animals to further intimidate their opponents and due to the fearsome reputation they gain the berserker drug quickly entered into popular culture as one of the more well-known esoteric drugs. This was probably the probableorigin of the term "berserk", synonymous with crazy.

While heavily associated with the ancient Norse it is by no means exclusive to them and many cultures would have similar rage-inducing drugs, as would many fictional societies - they all share the common traits of causing a temporary loss of fear, an apparent increase in physical strength (due to heightened rage and adrenaline) as well as an illusion of being resilient to harm (due to the maddened state allowing them to ignore pain).






  • The English word "berserker" is derived from the Old Norse words "ber-serkr" (plural "ber-serkir") meaning a "bear-shirt" i.e. a wild warrior or champion of the heathen age, however its interpretation remains controversial. The element ber- was interpreted by the historian Snorri Sturluson as "bare", which he understood to mean that the warriors went into battle bare-chested, or without armor. This word is also used in ber-skjaldaðr that means "bare of shield", or without a shield. Others derive it from the preferred berr (Germ, bär = ursus, the bear), and Snorri's view has been largely abandoned.