The Evil Wiki
The Evil Wiki

In many settings, every Alignment is used to determine a character's moral decisions. Some support this system, while others find it limiting- regardless of the controversy, alignment often plays a large role in the development of heroes and villains, with many (if not all) villains in fiction being able to be classed into some form of alignment.

Of course, "Good" Alignments, are exclusively for heroes; thus, they are ignored from this; however, neutral alignments are not since neutral characters (at least in the sense found within this wiki) can still be valid.

Lawful Evils (Dominators)[]

Lawful Evils enforce order within their setting, but usually have no value for the rights of others; in fact, they will happily destroy said rights - using law and order as a means by which to dominate or ruin others. An important fact is that Lawful evil is not always the nicest type of evil. Lawful is only a moral compass, not a degree. Therefore, there are Lawful characters who can be Pure Evil. Examples are Judge Claude Frollo of Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame or Admiral Greyfield of the Advance Wars video game series.

This is usually the alignment of Control Freaks, Corrupt Officials, Spies, Monarchs, Tyrants and Disciplinarians, when they do not enforce the law (in which case they fall under Lawful Neutral). Some such villains that fit this category are:

Neutral Evils (Malefactors)[]

Neutral Evil characters are utterly without morals, with a few exceptions. Valuing only themselves, they will not engage in rampant destruction, like the chaotic evil, nor do they value law and order, like the lawful evil; instead, they do whatever it takes to get what they desire. This is usually the alignment of Thieves, Assassins, Mercenaries, Mobsters, Doctor and Scientists, Femme Fatales, Crime Lords, Criminals and Businessmen. Egotists may also be part of this category, as they are only for themselves.

Neutral Evil characters are devious, treacherous and rogue-like. Among this group is:

Chaotic Evils (Destroyers)[]

Chaotic Evil characters kill, pillage and generally cause mayhem - however, they are not always pure Destroyers (chaotic evil does not mean chaotic stupid): for example, they won't always rampage and kill thousands, though they would certainly not be against doing so if the moment was right. This is usually the alignment of Cataclysmic villains, Thrill-Seekers, Serial Killers, Terrorists, Rapists, Torturers, Monsters (with very little intelligence), Vampires and eldritch abominations in general; however, the Chaotic Evil outsiders are the demons.

Chaotic Evil characters are power-hungry, dangerous, vicious, predatory and barbaric - to name a number of villains who fit this category to a T:

Lawful Neutrals (Judges)[]

Lawful Neutral characters value only law and order, not the rights of others - unlike Lawful Evil characters, they do not usually seek personal gain from their misdeeds, often believing they are doing right. They are oppressive and cruel but not because they seek authority over others; they simply believe the ends justify the means. Like True Neutral, they can be friendly towards people and heroes, unless they treat them horribly, or either provoke them. This is usually the alignment of Artificial Intelligences who enforce blindly a set of laws, Gaolers, Militaries, Guardians and others peace-keepers.

Such beings include:

Chaotic Neutrals (Free Spirits)[]

Chaotic Neutral characters do not actively seek to harm others (in contrast to chaotic evil), but neither do they seek to aid someone (as a chaotic good character would do). A common expression used for chaotic neutral is a humorous but truthful one "Chaotic Neutral: may save the world, may steal your car". This is usually the alignment of villainous pranksters, Dimwits, Thieves and Vigilantes.

Such beings who fit this category are:
