The Evil Wiki
The Darigan Citadel

The Darigan Citadel

The Darigan Citadel, also known as "The Citadel", is an ancient and massive floating palace that hovers over the medieval-like land of Meridell within the magic world of Neopia and it is home to its namesake ruler Lord Darigan.


The Darigan Citadel was once a peaceful and prosperous kingdom whose fertile beauty and happy was honed and kept alive by a magical orb. However, the orb was stolen by Meridell without a struggle since the land had no military, as they had never been to war.

In the orb's absence, the land along with the people residing there became cursed, and their minds and appearance began to warp as the palace's citizenry themselves took on monstrous forms while the structure and agriculture of the entire citadel no longer flourish and begins to turn into ruins. Lord Darigan created an army and managed to steal back the orb, but something was not right. The Orb was not undoing the curse. Eventually it's power and a band of 3 malevolent spirits who called themselves The Three corrupted Lord Darigan's heart, mind and body, turning him into a fearsome beast until the orb was destroyed, seemingly destroying Lord Darigan.

Many years later, Lord Kass took over the Citadel and waged war on Meridell under the tempting influence of The Three, breaking the truce between the lands, only for Lord Darigan to resurface, regain his memories, come out of hiding, and defeat Kass in a one on one battle before taking his throne back, and making peace with Meridell.


In contrast to the sunny lands of Meridell below, the Darigan Citadel sits in almost constant gloom. It is nearly always dark, and even when it is not, the sky tends to be overcast.



  • The team representing Darigan Citadel called "Team Darigan Citadel" (or simply "Team Darigan") never places lower than 7th place, and boasts a good offense and defense. They thus have a large following.
  • Boasting both an exceptional offense and a solid defense, the Darigan Citadel's Yooyuball team is considered one of the best teams in the league. The team took home the cup in 2007, and since that time they have never placed lower than 7th.
  • Users can make their Neopets and Petpets resemble the monstrous citizens of the Darigan Citadel by changing the colour of their pets to Darigan. Pets that are painted Darigan are generally purple, yellow, blue, or red in color and have black accents. The Darigan colour for Neopets was released on April 10, 2003, and the Darigan colour for Petpets was released on November 22, 2005.