The Evil Wiki

The Dastardly Bombers Station was a spaceship used by the Dastardly Bombers and commanded by Plasma Bomber in that served as main map in Super Bomberman 2 and 2nd world in Super Bomberman 5.

This station docked 4 domains belonging to 4 evil Bombers forming space fortress. Inside of stations contains different ambients depending of Bombers, inhabitants and traps.

In the story's intro, this station appear coming on earth where White Bomberman is captured and imprisoned him. This station is destroyed part by part when White Bomberman defeat Dastardly Bombers and remains fell to earth.

In Super Bomberman 5, the station is rebuilt for Terrorin forming part of Terrorin World and where Dave Bomber an Gary Bomber are found.


Stations Description
Dastardly Bombers Station (magnet station)
Magnet Bomber's Station
Here was Magnet Bomber's domain where White Bomberman was imprisoned and same saving himself
Dastardly Bombers Station (fire station)
Golem Bomber's Station
Here was Golem Bomber's domain full with fire and oil line.
Dastardly Bombers Station (pretty station)
Pretty Bomber's Station
Here was Pretty Bomber's domain where Shiro meet with her for 1st time (as enemy).
Dastardly Bombers Station (brain station)
Brain Bomber's Station
Here was Brain Bomber's domain with plataforms surrounded by pits.
Dastardly Bombers Station (plasma station)
Plasma Bomber's Station
Here only not was Plasma Bomber's domain, but was the command station too.

