The Evil Wiki

Ektor's Museum was the Edgar Ektor's primary head office of his anti-amusement empire and a location in the Aero the Acro-Bat videogames.

The exterior design of this "museum" is similar to that of a nuclear plant because from warehouses, chimneys, pipes and cooling towers with 2 initials red EE. For inside is similar with the old castle consisting of chess floors, wood stairs, lava pits, clown statues, a pool with bubbling water, spiral pillars, guillotines, conveyor belts, electric lamps and iron structures

This museum was build for 20 years ago, when Edgar's still children received the inheritance of his family to turn his empire into a neighbor of World of Amusement. This place is explored by Aero the Acro-Bat to save his circus glow and public which was stolen by Ektor. Here Aero defeats fake ghosts, escapes from fireballs, jumps in saws, destroys robots and pass in lasers to battle against Ektor.

The museum is explored by Aero again when the bat-like hero discovers a secret chamber containing the lunatic Ektor's Magic Box.



