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The Evil Regions are procedurally-generated regions of dark supernatural nature from the construction and management simulation game Dwarf Fortress. These areas are responsible for the existence of almost all the antagonistic forces in the game.

These areas, if the player chooses to embark there, will provide a very difficult time expanding one's settlement, given the overwhelming amount of unsettling, negative effects and dangerous creatures that roam those areas. As the game's world is randomly generated, the specific threats and general makeup of each region varies greatly every time a new world is generated. It can also be customized if the player chooses to do so before generating the world.

The Evil Regions are the home of goblins, the main villains of Dwarf Fortress, as well as many types of night creatures, which are also capable of acting as main antagonists as well. The Evil Regions are also often known as "Evil Surroundings", "Evil Biomes", or "Evil Areas".


There are three different types of surroundings in the game: good, neutral and evil. Good-aligned areas have the least amount of threats, and even contain fanciful creatures such as unicorns, pixies and fairies. Neutral areas reflect those found in the real world, and have a standard amount of threats and contain normal creatures. Evil-aligned biomes are cursed areas that contain many hazards, making the game very difficult for players.

The lands of the game also have one of three levels of "savagery": benign, neutral and savage. Benign will contain less and weaker creatures that are not particularly dangerous. Neutral will have a balanced level of possible predators and amount of creature types. Savage lands are the most chaotic, containing giant versions of animals, as well as humanoid versions of animals. For good biomes, the savagery levels are "serene", "mirthful" and "joyous wilds". For neutral areas, it's "calm", "wilderness" and "untamed wilds". For evil regions, it's "sinister", "haunted" and "terrifying".

This means that embarking in an evil land with the savagery levels of "terrifying" will provide the highest possible difficulty for the player in terms of surroundings. However, even embarking in a "sinister" area can provide a difficult time. The game will generate a name that is appropriate to the type of land it is. For example, evil areas can be named "The Prairie of Agony" or "The Jungle of Floods".

When viewing the map to select an area to embark, the classic version of the game will show these areas as pink, dark red or grey ASCII characters. In the premium version of the game (which contains graphics), these areas appear dark brown. Overall, as mentioned before, evil areas are the strangest, most unsettling, immoral and dangerous areas in the game. Because of this, only the most experienced and/or masochistic of players usually choose to embark there, and even then, the game can be too hard to make progress in.

The existence of evil surroundings may be due to existing just for the sake of it, or by the control of a necromancer or demon. There is a mechanic in the game that includes spheres of influence, which are often associated with deities. The evil areas have connections to random evil spheres. Areas connected to the "nightmare" sphere will contain bogeymen.

"Evil weather" may happen on evil land, which can include blood rain (where the type of creature the blood comes from is randomly chosen) and evil clouds, which cause various types of syndromes to anything caught inside one. The clouds can also turn living things into powerful, mindless thralls. Roughly half of evil areas will have the power to reanimate anything that dies, turning them into fearless zombies without the ability to feel pain.

Undead opponents can be much harder to kill, as simply wounding them will not be enough. They must be bisected or beheaded, and even then, the body parts themselves can still reanimate and attack. Since the undead can feel no fear, they cannot be scared off, and will never stop attacking unless properly stopped. Undead marine life can freely move on land.

The vegetation in evil areas is also disturbing and strange, as eyeball plants can be found, which will stare at anyone standing by them and occasionally blink. However, these plants are harmless, and the animals can safely graze on them with no negative effects. Wriggling wormy tendrils can also be seen as plants.

Due to evil areas being the homeland to goblins, embarking in them will put the player's settlement very close to a goblin settlement, which can be in the form of a "dark fortress" or "dark pit". Dark fortresses are large, well-developed buildings, while dark pits contain more trenches. Being this close to goblins can make sieges from them much more dangerous and frequent, and this combined with the already-threatening properties of the region can make gameplay almost impossible.

Evil Regions are the only areas that can contain the glumprong tree, which has a unique purple color. Like any other tree, it can be chopped down for wood. Glumprong wood is very dense and heavy, making it a good option as a component in some weapons.


Aside from Goblins, the Evil Regions contain much more dangerous and relentless abominations inhabiting them. Note that the monstrosities in the following list are not the only creatures found in the Evil Regions, but are unique to them:

Dangerous creatures found in all types of surroundings will appear more frequently in evil areas.

  • Beak Dogs: Two-legged creatures with beaks. They are often mounts of goblins.
  • Blizzard Men: Extremely rare, aggressive and intelligent blue imp-like creatures.
  • Dark Gnomes: Small humanoid gnomes that prioritize stealing and drinking alcohol, even when in combat.
  • Foul Blendecs" Fanciful humanoid beings that somewhat resemble minotaurs. They have skull heads with long horns, and only exist as males.
  • Grimelings: A rare creature that appears as a humanoid made of wet weeds. They only attack enemies that get too close to their waters. They can see in full 360°, and therefore have no blind spot in combat.
  • Harpies: Much like the harpies in classical Greco-Roman mythology, they are fanciful, female-only creatures that terrorize livestock.
  • Ice Wolves: White wolves found only in tundras and glaciers.
  • Nightwings: A fanciful creature that resembles an emaciated jackal with wings and sharp teeth. They are only found in deserts.
  • Ogres: Large violent humanoids found in plains. They are large enough to destroy buildings. They can also appear in goblin sieges.
  • Sea Monsters: Obviously only found in oceans. Extremely large marine creatures with a freakish appearance.
  • Stranglers: Extremely rare four-armed humanoid creatures that only live in tropical areas. They attack anything smarter than themselves. Despite their names, they do not strangle their enemies.
  • Blood Gnats: A red gnat that likes to swarm near pools. Can cause food to rot. Although they are described to seek blood, they do not attack anything.
  • Demon Rats: Evil-looking rats that appear in non-freezing areas. They can bite through containers and steal food.
  • Knuckle Worm: A worm made of knobs and segments, it pops and crackles when it moves. Causes food to rot.
  • Phantom Spider: A translucent spider that appears in forests. They seem to be related to cave spiders. They produce webs, bite victims to poison them with dizziness and numbness which can last for a month.

