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The Galactic Villain Leaderboard is a leaderboard in the Yonder Galaxy that was used to show who is the most important, powerful, and evil conqueror in said galaxy.

To be on the list, a villain must rule over at least one world.

Recently, the number one was Lord Hater, until, after Wander annoyed unconsciously his plans in order to be his friend, was occupying lower positions uphill and downhill to the point of being removed from the list.

Posteriorly, the number one were Lord Dominator until her defeat in the episode "The End of the Galaxy", where Lord Hater reached said post again.

The number of villains on the list is constantly changing, with there usually being around 50 or over a hundred villains on it.

Known Leaderboards[]


  • 1. Lord Hater (The "Greatest in the Galaxy" before Wander annoyed his plans)

First line-up[]

Second line-up[]

Third line-up[]

  1. Lord Dominator
  2. The Schmartians
  3. The Black Cube of Darkness
  4. The Knight Mare
  5. The Night Mayor
  6. Iggy Starbeam and the Maltars of Flarn
  7. Sourdough the Evil Sandwich
  8. Mandrake the Malfeasant
  9. Kragthar of Kraaaaagtttthh
  10. Emperor Awesome
  11. Siamon, a cat
  12. The Mischievous Dr. Screwball Jones
  13. Sara Tonin von Cortisol (“Von...” Fancy...)
  14. The Galactagriffs
  15. Azolla
  16. General Puff-n-Stuff
  17. The Conversation Killer
  18. Linda the Soccer Mom
  19. KL-BOT 87
  20. Those Two Guys from that Time
  21. Eleven Pirates
  22. Emperor Enigma
  23. Calisto
  24. Lady Frivolous
  25. Pastella the Aesthetically-Pleasing
  26. Miss Livewire
  27. Mr. P. Erfect
  28. Princess Cellophania
  29. Professor Europa Von Gozer
  30. The Polians of Pole
  31. Admiral Dizzy
  32. Game Master Matrix and P2
  33. H2OhNo
  34. General McGuffin
  35. Granny
  36. Professor Hauntin'Stew
  37. Gearhead and the Punchclocks
  38. Attachio the Attainable
  39. A Potted Plant
  40. Pikanese
  41. Ragin' Haze
  42. Gentleman Tooth
  43. O'Yojimbo
  44. Something the So and So
  45. Lord Hater
  46. Lil’ Bits
  47. The Twins
  48. Spout Run
  49. Despeira Arachna
  50. Twigg of Loquebesthia
  51. Lady Pastelence
  52. Marshal Ignis
  53. Gangster Todd
  54. King Grogg and the Warriors of Droggstorm
  55. Nightmare
  56. Hoofenmouth, The Diseased Centaur
  57. Waiter Poppogi
  58. Dragon
  59. Lady Annihilator
  60. Nighttime Nico
  61. Neat Freak
  62. Great Princess Goobrielle
  63. Sir Nexus
  64. Nobocop
  65. Miss Ery and Pa'Nick
  66. The Black Pentagon of Darkness
  67. General Jellupa and the Jellupatoxians
  68. Mr. Static Bar and Satellite
  69. King Vortex and the Vortices
  70. Vission
  71. General Sod
  72. Temer
  73. The Line Cutter
  74. Lady Darkness and Blobster Blob
  75. Poppy
  76. Red Cube of Anger
  77. Duke Skirk
  78. Onna
  79. Empress Plum
  80. Mistress Myrna
  81. The Silent One
  82. Wollibee the Magnificent
  83. Eviq
  84. Some Delicious Gummy Bears
  85. Steve the Gross All-Eye
  86. Pogo the Decolorizer
  87. Pickle Haube and Gherkins
  88. Not-Pirate Nel
  89. Screech the Maren
  90. Duchess Deborah Downer
  91. Jesalva
  92. Shir and the Bloasts
  93. Telechameleona
  94. Mr. Slick
  95. Morris of Worm
  96. The Great Blazing
  97. Flamx
  98. Admiral Shadox2
  99. The Owlord
  100. Chancellor Merry
  101. Turpen Tine
  102. Lord….something…
  103. Electra & Rave
  104. DJ Galaxina
  105. Estroy
  106. General Snapdragon and Cadet Oleander
  107. The Salty Lemon
  108. Wonder (aka Shenny)
  109. Lord Dullwit
  110. The Witch Doctor Belinda
  111. Miss Agrippa
  112. Eli Stipe
  113. Scratchy
  114. Oedipus Tex
  115. Fluffo Whisko Tabbikins
  116. Negus
  117. The Scuzzbuckets
  118. Kat Mandu

Fourth line-up[]

  1. Lord Dominator
  2. The Schmartians
  3. The Black Cube of Darkness
  4. The Knight Mare
  5. The Night Mayor
  6. Iggy Starbeam and the Maltars of Flarn
  7. Sourdough the Evil Sandwich
  8. Mandrake the Malfeasant
  9. Kragthar of Kraaaaagtttthh
  10. Ted from Accounting
  11. Lord Hater
  12. Emperor Awesome
  13. Sara Tonin von Cortisol
  14. Azolla
  15. Admiral Dizzy
  16. The Mischievous Dr. Screwball Jones
  17. The Conversation Killer
  18. The Voice
  19. H2OhNo
  20. Red Cube of Anger
  21. Not-Pirate Nel
  22. Linda the Soccer Mom
  23. Emperor Enigma
  24. Calisto
  25. Lady Pastelence
  26. Pastella the Aesthetically-Pleasing
  27. King Mxyleon
  28. (REDACTED)
  29. Siamon, a cat
  30. Fluffo Whisko Tabbikins
  31. Nobocop
  32. Liquid Terror’s Sister
  33. Liquid Terror, Queen of Aquadia
  34. Granny
  35. The Polians of Pole
  36. General Puff-n-Stuff
  37. Judge Farsalot
  38. Despeira Arachna
  39. KL-BOT 87
  40. Lady Frivolous
  41. The Galactagriffs
  42. Attachio the Attainable
  43. A.L.I.C.I.A
  44. Gangster Todd
  45. Great Princess Goobrielle
  46. General McGuffin
  47. Game Master Matrix and P2
  48. Gearhead and the Punchclocks
  49. The Twins
  50. Miss Livewire
  51. General Sod
  52. Professor Europa Von Gozer
  53. Alecai the Great
  54. King Vortex and the Vortices
  55. Poppy
  56. Pikanese
  57. Ragin' Haze
  58. The Trio hunters
  59. Mr. Static Bar and Satellite
  60. Pitulu
  61. Twigg of Loquebesthia
  62. Marshal Ignis
  63. Vission
  64. O'Yojimbo
  65. Those Two Guys from that Time
  66. King Grogg and the Warriors of Droggstorm
  67. Nightmare
  68. Mistress Myrna
  69. Mr. P. Erfect
  70. Nighttime Nico
  71. Duke Skirk
  72. Gentleman Tooth
  73. Temer
  74. Spout Run
  75. Waiter Poppogi
  76. Professor Hauntin'Stew
  77. Neat Freak
  78. Something the So and So
  79. Dragon
  80. Lady Annihilator
  81. The Great Blazing
  82. The Silent One
  83. Sir Nexus
  84. Miss Ery and Pa'Nick
  85. General Jellupa and the Jellupatoxians
  86. The Line Cutter
  87. Princess Cellophania
  88. Lady Darkness and Blobster Blob
  89. Pogo the Decolorizer
  90. Mr. Slick
  91. Maitre D'Evil
  92. Onna
  93. Empress Plum
  94. A Potted Plant
  95. Kat Mandu
  96. Telechameleona
  97. Wollibee the Magnificent
  98. Eviq
  99. Electra & Rave
  100. Steve the Gross All-Eye
  101. Scratchy
  102. Pickle Haube and Gherkins
  103. Eli Stipe
  104. Screech the Maren
  105. Duchess Deborah Downer
  106. Jesalva
  107. Shir and the Bloasts
  108. Miss Agrippa
  109. Morris of Worm
  110. Flamx
  111. Pew
  112. The Owlord
  113. Hoofenmouth, The Diseased Centaur
  114. Chancellor Merry
  115. Negus
  116. Turpen Tine
  117. Lord….something…
  118. DJ Galaxina
  119. Estroy
  120. General Snapdragon and Cadet Oleander
  121. The Salty Lemon
  122. Wonder (aka Shenny)
  123. Lord Dullwit
  124. The Black Pentagon of Darkness
  125. The Witch Doctor Belinda
  126. Oedipus Tex
  127. The Scuzzbuckets
  128. Some Delicious Gummy Bears

Fifth line-up[]

  1. Lord Dominator
  2. Emperor Awesome
  3. Lord Hater
  4. Sourdough the Evil Sandwich
  5. The Black Cube of Darkness
  6. Kragthar of Kraaaaagtttthh
  7. Countess Slugula
  8. Mandrake the Malfeasant
  9. O'Yojimbo
  10. Something the So and So
  11. Red Cube of Anger
  12. Admiral Dizzy
  13. Azolla
  14. Not-Pirate Nel
  15. Calisto
  16. Lady Pastelence
  17. King Mxyleon
  18. Liquid Terror’s Sister
  19. Liquid Terror, Queen of Aquadia
  20. H2OhNo
  21. Granny
  22. The Polians of Pole
  23. The Mischievous Dr. Screwball Jones
  24. General Puff-n-Stuff
  25. Ted from Accounting
  26. General McGuffin
  27. The Twins
  28. Mr. Static Bar and Satellite
  29. Mandrake the Malfeasant
  30. Despeira Arachna
  31. Iggy Starbeam and the Maltars of Flarn
  32. Professor Europa Von Gozer
  33. Emperor Enigma
  34. Lady Frivolous
  35. Poppy
  36. Nobocop
  37. The Schmartians
  38. The Conversation Killer
  39. Judge Farsalot
  40. The Galactagriffs
  41. Attachio the Attainable
  42. Sara Tonin von Cortisol
  43. Lil’ Bits
  44. Game Master Matrix and P2
  45. The Knight Mare
  46. Emperor Ronnie and the Star Brawlers
  47. Timmy
  48. Ragin’ Haze
  49. Great Princess Goobrielle
  50. Siamon, a cat
  51. Pitulu
  52. Eleven Pirates
  53. Pastella the Aesthetically-Pleasing
  54. Jet the Timescaper and Aqua the Paradoxian
  55. Gearhead and the Punchclocks
  56. Miss Livewire
  57. Duke Skirk
  58. Empress Plum
  59. Pogo the Decolorizer
  60. Linda the Soccer Mom
  61. A.L.I.C.I.A.
  62. The Night Mayor
  63. Alecai the Great
  64. KL-BOT 87
  65. King Vortex and the Vortices
  66. Pikanese
  67. Sissy
  68. Twigg of Loquebesthia
  69. Spout Run
  70. Marshal Ignis
  71. Vission
  72. Those Two Guys from that Time
  73. Nightmare
  74. Mistress Myrna
  75. Bella Trix
  76. Mr. P. Erfect
  77. Sir Nexus
  78. Nighttime Nico
  79. Fluffo Whisko Tabbikins
  80. The Great Blazing
  81. Gentleman Tooth
  82. Temer
  83. Eridiana Scarletwound
  84. Lexus
  85. King Grogg and the Warriors of Droggstorm
  86. Professor Hauntin'Stew
  87. Neat Freak
  88. Scratchy
  89. Wollibee the Magnificent
  90. Dragon
  91. Mr. Slick
  92. Lady Annihilator
  93. The Owlord
  94. The Silent One
  95. Lord….something…
  96. General Sod
  97. Shir and the Bloasts
  98. Bunny T. Marchenhaft
  99. Miss Ery and Pa'Nick
  100. Eli Stipe
  101. Kat Mandu
  102. Bijou the Jewel Witch
  103. Waiter Poppogi
  104. General Jellupa and the Jellupatoxians
  105. The Line Cutter
  106. Princess Cellophania
  107. Morris of Worm
  108. Lady Darkness and Blobster Blob
  109. Maitre D'Evil
  110. The Salty Lemon
  111. Onna
  112. A Potted Plant
  113. Telechameleona
  114. The Witch Doctor Belinda
  115. Eviq
  116. Electra & Rave
  117. Steve the Gross All-Eye
  118. Pickle Haube and Gherkins
  119. Screech the Maren
  120. Duchess Deborah Downer
  121. The Voice
  122. Jesalva
  123. Miss Agrippa
  124. Flamx
  125. Some Delicious Gummy Bears
  126. Pew
  127. Chancellor Merry
  128. Negus
  129. Turpen Tine
  130. DJ Galaxina
  131. Estroy
  132. General Snapdragon and Cadet Oleander
  133. Wonder (aka Shenny)
  134. Lord Dullwit
  135. The Black Pentagon of Darkness
  136. Oedipus Tex
  137. The Scuzzbuckets
  138. Hoofenmouth, The Diseased Centaur

Sixth line-up[]

Just before the Battle Royale.

  1. Lord Dominator
  2. Lord Hater
  3. Sourdough the Evil Sandwich
  4. Kragthar of Kraaaaagtttthh
  5. The Black Cube of Darkness
  6. Mandrake the Malfeasant
  7. Lil’ Bits
  8. Emperor Awesome
  9. The Mischievous Dr. Screwball Jones
  10. Something the So and So
  11. General McGuffin
  12. The Schmartians
  13. Azolla
  14. Admiral Dizzy
  15. Not-Pirate Nel
  16. Mr. Static Bar and Satellite
  17. King Mxyleon
  18. The Polians of Pole
  19. General Puff-n-Stuff
  20. The Twins
  21. Emperor Enigma
  22. Lady Frivolous
  23. Poppy
  24. Mr. Slick
  25. Duke Skirk
  26. Judge Farsalot
  27. Lady Pastelence
  28. King Vortex and the Vortices
  29. Pogo the Decolorizer
  30. Empress Plum
  31. The Galactagriffs
  32. H2OhNo
  33. Granny
  34. Sissy
  35. Sara Tonin von Cortisol
  36. Liquid Terror’s Sister
  37. Liquid Terror, Queen of Aquadia
  38. Despeira Arachna
  39. Mistress Myrna
  40. Emperor Ronnie and the Star Brawlers
  41. Timmy
  42. Professor Europa Von Gozer
  43. Ragin’ Haze
  44. Great Princess Goobrielle
  45. Pitulu
  46. Pastella the Aesthetically-Pleasing
  47. Scratchy
  48. Jet the Timescaper and Aqua the Paradoxian
  49. Miss Livewire
  50. A.L.I.C.I.A.
  51. The Thunderstork
  52. The Night Mayor
  53. Alecai the Great
  54. Calisto
  55. Red Cube of Anger
  56. Pikanese
  57. Siamon, a cat
  58. Twigg of Loquebesthia
  59. Attachio the Attainable
  60. Spout Run
  61. Gearhead and the Punchclocks
  62. Marshal Ignis
  63. The Conversation Killer
  64. Vission
  65. Linda the Soccer Mom
  66. Nightmare
  67. Game Master Matrix and P2
  68. Bella Trix
  69. Mr. P. Erfect
  70. Neat Freak
  71. Fluffo Whisko Tabbikins
  72. The Great Blazing
  73. Temer
  74. Eridiana Scarletwound
  75. Lexus
  76. King Grogg and the Warriors of Droggstorm
  77. Professor Hauntin'Stew
  78. Wollibee the Magnificent
  79. Dragon
  80. Lady Annihilator
  81. The Owlord
  82. Nighttime Nico
  83. The Silent One
  84. Shir and the Bloasts
  85. Pew
  86. Sir Nexus
  87. Bunny T. Marchenhaft
  88. Miss Ery and Pa'Nick
  89. Electra & Rave
  90. Eli Stipe
  91. Bijou the Jewel Witch
  92. Waiter Poppogi
  93. General Jellupa and the Jellupatoxians
  94. The Line Cutter
  95. Morris of Worm
  96. Lady Darkness and Blobster Blob
  97. The Black Pentagon of Darkness
  98. The Salty Lemon
  99. Lord….something…
  100. Onna
  101. Telechameleona
  102. Negus
  103. The Witch Doctor Belinda
  104. Eviq
  105. DJ Galaxina
  106. General Snapdragon and Cadet Oleander
  107. Steve the Gross All-Eye
  108. Estroy
  109. Pickle Haube and Gherkins
  110. Screech the Maren
  111. Duchess Deborah Downer
  112. The Voice
  113. Jesalva
  114. Miss Agrippa
  115. Flamx
  116. Chancellor Merry
  117. Wonder (aka Shenny)
  118. Turpen Tine
  119. Lord Dullwit
  120. Ted from Accounting
  121. Gangster Todd
  122. Nobocop
  123. Some Delicious Gummy Bears
  124. Oedipus Tex
  125. O'Yojimbo
  126. Iggy Starbeam and the Maltars of Flarn
  127. Eleven Pirates
  128. Those Two Guys from that Time
  129. The Scuzzbuckets
  130. The Knight Mare
  131. Kat Mandu
  132. A Potted Plant
  133. General Sod
  134. Princess Cellophania
  135. Gentleman Tooth
  136. Maitre D'Evil
  137. Hoofenmouth, The Diseased Centaur
  138. Major Threat (And darn proud to be so low)

Seventh line-up[]

After the Battle Royale.

  1. Lord Dominator

Eighth line-up[]

After the End of the Galaxy.

  1. Lord Hater

That is all.



  • As Commander Peepers said in episode "The Greater Hater" Hater was 29th on the leaderboard in said episode, in the chart shown above, he's actually in 2nd place, while the 29th place belongs to Pogo the Decolorizer, which indicates Lord Hater moved up the ranks due to the events of the episodes and the proceeding ones. Considering that the leaderboard itself appears in several episodes, this is likely justified.
  • Most of the villains on the above chart besides the already existing ones are only OC's (original characters) created by fans.
  • Its Unknown why The Rest of the villains are rivals.
  • It is uncertain of what happened to the rest of the villains after the events of My Fair Hatey. But its possible they the rest of them escaped, since the rest of them weren't seen or died before Dominator's ship froze & also before she had ice powers. it may be possible that after the events of "My Fair Hatey", it may be likely that they went to live on planets on there own.