The Evil Wiki
The Ectoplasm


Ectoplasm is a paranormal substance that comes from ghosts.

It can be referred as Ghost Slime and Ectoplasmic Residue and Ectoplasma, this spectral matter that comes from spirits and otherworldly beings including the ghosts of the deceased. It usually appears in a form of a slimy green liquid, but sometimes is visually completely absent, leaving only energy traces paranormal investigators finds in hopes of discovering the truth behind the prospect of something beyond life, something after death.

All ghost-related incidents and many other paranormal activities are considered to be "ectoplasmic" leads to the conclusion that it is a scientific equivalent to the occult term "magic power(s)". It is speculated that it is the state of being which unearthly creatures such as the ghosts of the dead as well as angels and demons from the beyond the grave possesses in order to enter the world of the living.

In real life, Ectoplasm was first spotted in 1894 by researcher Charles Richet, though the physical existence of ectoplasm is not accepted by science and many purported examples were exposed as hoaxes fashioned from cheesecloth, gauze or other natural substances.

In the Ghostbusters comedy science-fantasy movie franchise, Ectoplasm is considered a Class 1 entity that is harmless and only gets clothes wet. There are different types of Slime in the Ghostbusters universe such as:

1. Ectoplasmic Residue

2. Psychomagnotheric Slime

3. Black Slime

4. Black Slime Portals

5. Necrotic Slime

6. Yellow Slime

7. Red Slime

8. Purple Slime

9. Laughing Slime

10. Singing Slime

Ectoplasm is like putty; the more you add, the bigger it gets.

One of other examples of Ectoplasm is ectoplasmic entities as seen in the Ghostbusters movie series as well in the live-action film Casper and other forms of media, in which Ectoplasm with enough psychokinetic energy can do a lot of things possible, such as making doppelgangers as evident in the episode "Citizen Ghost" of the Ghostbusters cartoon show The Real Ghostbusters.

In Popular Culture

  • Ghostbusters: Ectoplasm is a substance that comes from ghosts and otherworldly beings which, according to the titular paranormal investigation team, utilized by them to transverse into the realm of the living.
  • Danny Phantom: As with other fictions, ectoplasm serve as the very essence spirits of the dead are comprised of and has lingering traces of their spectral energies. As such, not only it can endow living beings whose DNA exposed to it ghost-like powers, it can be used to power a ghost hunter's equipment. Should one use ectoplasm to power kitchen appliances, any food made with them will mutate and animate, arguably the result of possessed by the fraction of ghost donor's consciousness.
  • The Sorcerer's Apprentice: Some spells such as the Ectoplasm Trap harnesses the substance as means to manipulate time for a sorcerer/sorceress' advantage, in which it appears as transparent liquid.

