Great Evil Dragons are giant organic mecha created by Ryuuwon through a combination of genetic engineering and cybernetics. They are dragon-like dinosaurs outfitted with machinery that can be piloted from within. They are typically manned by a unit of Jaryuu Soldiers or even Ryuuwon himself on some occasions. The control room of each Great Evil Dragon comes outfitted with a throne for Ryuuwon to sit on whenever he is traveling in one. Several also come equipped with self-destruct sequences that Ryuuwon can detonate remotely as a last ditch effort to take out an opponent.
There also exists a subset of Great Evil Dragons modified to be aerial fighters called Zorads.
During his attempt to obtain the Brain of Gordom, Ryuuwon and his Jaryuu Soldiers piloted Great Evil Dragon Dold as a mode of transport.
When they came into conflict with the Boukengers, Dold did battle against the Boukengers' DaiBouken. Ryuuwon later remotely self-destructed Dold in an attempt to kill the Boukengers, sacrificing the Jaryuu Soldiers piloting it in the process.
Later, when Gajah proposed Gordom and the Jaryuu Clan ally to obtain Leon Giordana's notes, Ryuuwon brought out two Great Evil Dragons for the operation, Zard and Girad, the latter of which Ryuuwon loaned to Gajah while piloting the former himself. The two Great Evil Dragons were used to defeat the Boukengers and capture DaiBouken, which Gajah and Ryuuwon planned to use to unearth the notes on the island they were hidden at.
With the help of the Questers and their technology, Ryuuwon would eventually complete his ultimate Great Evil Dragon, Evil Mechanic Dragon Grand.