The Evil Wiki

Magica's Staff is a magical staff used by the evil sorceress Magica De Spell and is featured in the 2017 reboot of Ducktales.

This staff is the source of Magica's power. She can use it control other beings shadow to do her bidding. It can also be used to attack her enemies and levitate herself. If staff is destroyed, Magica would lose all her powers.

Fifteen years ago Magica De Spell was Scrooge's most hated and dangerous rival. During their final battle on Mount Vesuvius, Magica tried to trap Scrooge to another dimension within his Number One Dime, but Scrooge managed to block the spell and Magica ended up trapping herself instead.

However before she was imprisoned, she transformed her shadow into a young duckling named Lena and her staff turned into a necklace.

Powers and Abilities

  • Levitation: Magica can use it to levitate herself.
  • Energy Shield: Can create an energy shield.
  • Shadow Control: Magica is able steal and control living beings shadows.
  • Energy Blast: Shoots out energy blast.
  • Transformation: Can transform objects or beings into animals.

