The Evil Wiki

The Oni Mask are ancient mask that imprison Tarakudo's Oni generals and are the source of summoning shadowkhan.


Years ago in ancient times, Tarakudo and his nine Oni generals ruled over Japan. But ancient good chi wizards created magic masks and sealed the Oni Generals within them. After that, they were scattered to the four corners of the Earth to ensure that Tarakudo and his Oni Generals never rise to power again. There was one made for Tarakudo, but he got it first and hid it in the Shadow Realm.


The Oni Mask are not just magic, but also prisons for the nine Oni generals. Each one summons a different tribe of Shadowkhan. If the mask gets attached to host's face, he/she will have the power summon shadowkhan and do their bidding. They can also give the wearer superhuman strength, speed and agility. However if the mask is worn for too long, it possess the wearer until they become consumed by the demon's spirt and their chi is corrupted.

Once the mask is attached to a host, it can only be taken off with a removal spell. Each of the mask requires a different vital removal ingredient. The spell also needs lizard tail, wolfsbane, sulfur root, and left eye of newt. But each of the mask requires a different vital ingredient.

However there is one warning, all nine masks must not be brought together in one location. If they are the masks will shatter and the Oni spirits are set free.


Oni Mask Shadowkhan Removal Ingredient Wearer
General 1 Mask
Ninja Khan Japanese Steel Chow
General 2 Mask
Razor Khan Japanese Silk Ratso
General 3 Mask
Bat Khan Japanese Rice Scruffy
General 4 Mask
Sumo Khan Rare Japanese Seaweed Captain Black
Ikazuki Mask
Samurai Khan Japanese Cherry Blossom Finn's backside.
General 6 Mask
Squid Khan Tentacle of Japanese Octopus Paco
General 7 Mask
Mini Khan Fish Hak Foo
General 8 Mask
Crab Khan Tears of Japanese Monkey Valmont (left half)
Jade Chan (right half)
General 9 Mask
Mantis Khan Unknown None
Tarakudo Oni

Hair of a Samurai
(or a descendant of one)

